
My path to wargames

I started playing board games long ago. As a kid, I used to play classic games like Monopoly, Battleship and Uno with my mom and siblings. I also liked chess, and even won a chess tournament in high school. Then I stopped playing board games after I got my first job. As an adult I mostly played party games like Sushi Go! and Exploding Kittens at family gatherings like Christmas and Thanksgiving. It wasn't until recently that I rediscovered board games, and found the world of board gaming had grown tremendously. For me, it all started thanks to Pandemic during the pandemic. When the world shut down, like everyone else, I ended up spending a lot of time home. I bought Pandemic as a way to help pass time, and had a great time playing it. From there I started branching into other popular games, and soon started to find a pattern in my personal taste: I've found I often dislike Euros-style games. For example, games like Terraforming Mars, Spirit Island, Dominant Species, Ark Nova, e